My experience of a serious interpersonal conflict with someone occurred when I went to a primary school to relief teach right after my ‘A’s. I got along well with the kids and everything was smooth sailing until one fateful Friday afternoon.
On that Friday, the kids had been exceptionally fast with their work and since we were ahead of schedule, I had given them some free time. Coincidently, some of the upper primary school boys were playing soccer in the field that was situated right outside my classroom. Some of the kids got excited by the activity outside and gathered around the window to watch the game. Since the noise level was low and it was their free time anyway I let them be. Unfortunately, one of the senior teachers in the school happened to walk by. She stopped in her tracks, stomped into my class and started shouting at the kids. I was momentarily taken aback. She reprimanded the kids for not behaving during class time and subtly accused me of not controlling the kids well enough. All in all it was an embarrassing situation. However, it did not end there. Thereafter whenever, the teacher saw me, she would impose on me and explicitly teach me how to handle the kids.
The underlying problem I soon came to realize was our differences in opinion as to how to handle the kids. She preferred an authoritarian style, while I preferred more freedom. I resented the fact that she imposed on me and I felt helpless as I was forced to do things in a way I did not like. Still I tried to be fair and put myself in her shoes. I was able to understand her fear that a newbie like me may not be disciplining the kids enough or that I was being complacent in my teaching but it still took the pleasure out of my teaching experience.
If you had been in such a situation, what would you have done? How would you have approached her? Can talking solve differences in opinion?