Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Solution to Interpersonal Conflict

This was a real interpersonal conflict that I experienced and I did manage to somewhat resolve it.

This is what I did:

1. I approached the teacher again to explain to her clearly the circumstances under which I had allowed the students to behave as such.

2. I assured her that there was no problem with the discipline of the class.

3. I asked her to give me advice on how to deal with them in case they got rowdy in the future.

4. I readjusted my teaching style and adhered somewhat to the rules that she laid down without cramping my style too much.

All in all, we did part on a good note. Though she still was not fully happy with me doing things my way, she seemed to accept the fact that I preferred to do things differently and let me be.

1 comment:

  1. Excellent approach to a solution! By talking to the teacher, you showed deference, but you were also able to demonstrate to her that you had confidence in your own decision making. By making some modifications, you showed that you realized that you could learn from the situation.

    Thanks for sharing, Divya.
